Great Giant Pineapple, Pt er et Indonesien firma, der er placeret i Chase Plaza Podium 4Th-5Th FloorJl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21. Flere detaljer er som nedenfor.
Firmaets navn : Great Giant Pineapple, Pt By / Provins : Southjakarta,Jakarta,12920 Land : Indonesia Adresse : Chase Plaza Podium 4Th-5Th FloorJl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21 International områdekode : 62Telefon : +62-215208338 Kontakt : Husodo Angkosubroto,Harold Koh,Ruslan Krisno Kategori Aktiviteter : Fruit & Tree Nut Farming IndustrySamlede årlige salg : $0.03MProfil : Great Giant Pineapple, Pt is located in South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia and is part of the Fruit & Tree Nut Farming Industry. Great Giant Pineapple, Pt has 200 total employees across all of its locations. There are 21 companies in the Great Giant Pineapple, Pt corporate family.
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Purnama Bohler Technologi, Pt
Rejo Sari Bumi, Pt
Great Giant Pineapple, Pt
Amarta Bali
Pulau Sambu Group, Pt
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