Syngenta Seed Indonesia, Pt er et Indonesien firma, der er placeret i Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower C 8-9Th FloorJl. Tb Simatupang Kav. 88. Flere detaljer er som nedenfor.
Firmaets navn : Syngenta Seed Indonesia, Pt By / Provins : Jakarta,Jakarta,12520 Land : Indonesia Adresse : Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower C 8-9Th FloorJl. Tb Simatupang Kav. 88 International områdekode : 62Telefon : +62-2130421000 Kontakt : Henry Francis Briggs,Lim Jung Lee,Agung Prabowo Kategori Aktiviteter : Nursery & Floriculture Production IndustryMedarbejdere : 29 Samlede årlige salg : $0.56MProfil : Syngenta Seed Indonesia, Pt is located in Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia and is part of the Nursery & Floriculture Production Industry. Syngenta Seed Indonesia, Pt has 29 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.55 million in sales (USD). There are 924 companies in the Syngenta Seed Indonesia, Pt corporate family.
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Pawani, Nv
Musik Hijau, Pt
Syngenta Seed Indonesia, Pt
Agro Sukses Lestari, Pt
Leo Hupindo, Pt
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