Wasco Engineering Indonesia, Pt er et Indonesien firma, der er placeret i Jl. Brigjen. Katamso Km. 5Tanjung Uncang, Batu Aji. Flere detaljer er som nedenfor.
Firmaets navn : Wasco Engineering Indonesia, Pt By / Provins : Batam,Riauislands,29432 Land : Indonesia Adresse : Jl. Brigjen. Katamso Km. 5Tanjung Uncang, Batu Aji International områdekode : 62Telefon : +62-778396212 Kontakt : Shamugam Karupiah,Thiagarajan Pradeep Kumar,Ramanathan Pr Singaram Kategori Aktiviteter : Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction IndustryMedarbejdere : 30 Samlede årlige salg : $3.04MProfil : Wasco Engineering Indonesia, Pt is located in Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia and is part of the Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction Industry. Wasco Engineering Indonesia, Pt has 30 total employees across all of its locations and generates 2.95 million in sales (USD). There are 10 companies in the Wasco Engineering Indonesia, Pt corporate family.
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Galang Hidro Energi, Pt
Tirta Degremont, Pt
Wasco Engineering Indonesia, Pt
Bgp Indonesia, Pt
Sankyu Indonesia International, Pt
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