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Sinta Prima Feedmill, Pt

Sinta Prima Feedmill, Pt er et Indonesien firma, der er placeret i 27A Jl. SulaimanSlipi, Palmerah. Flere detaljer er som nedenfor.


  • Firmaets navn: Sinta Prima Feedmill, Pt
  • By / Provins: Westjakarta,Jakarta,11480
  • Land: Indonesia
  • Adresse: 27A Jl. SulaimanSlipi, Palmerah
  • International områdekode: 62
  • Telefon: +62-215480959
  • Kontakt: Frengky Anthony,Michael Wahyudi Dharmawan,Liliyanti Soewanto
  • Kategori Aktiviteter: Livestock & Other Animal Food Manufacturing Industry
  • Samlede årlige salg: $179.55M
  • Profil: Sinta Prima Feedmill, Pt is located in West Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia and is part of the Livestock & Other Animal Food Manufacturing Industry. Sinta Prima Feedmill, Pt has 500 total employees across all of its locations. There are 5 companies in the Sinta Prima Feedmill, Pt corporate family.
Flere Links

  • Universal Agri Bisnisindo, Pt
  • Indojaya Agrinusa, Pt
  • Sinta Prima Feedmill, Pt
  • Malindo Feedmill, Pt Tbk
  • Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Pt Tbk

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