Phc Indonesia, Pt er et Indonesien firma, der er placeret i Kawasan Industri Mm 2100 Blok O-1Gandamekar, Cikarang Barat. Flere detaljer er som nedenfor.
Firmaets navn : Phc Indonesia, Pt By / Provins : Bekasi,Westjava,17520 Land : Indonesia Adresse : Kawasan Industri Mm 2100 Blok O-1Gandamekar, Cikarang Barat International områdekode : 62Telefon : +62-218980005 Kontakt : Abdullah Tauhid Gobel,Tsuguru Hirano,Dewanto Hary Sulaksono Kategori Aktiviteter : Medical Equipment & Supplies Manufacturing IndustrySamlede årlige salg : $23.90MProfil : Phc Indonesia, Pt is located in Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia and is part of the Medical Equipment & Supplies Manufacturing Industry. Phc Indonesia, Pt has 557 total employees across all of its locations and generates 23.2 million in sales (USD). There are 756 companies in the Phc Indonesia, Pt corporate family.
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Phc Indonesia, Pt
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