Seger Agro Nusantara, Pt er et Indonesien firma, der er placeret i Jl. Raya Wringinanom Km. 30Pasinan Lemahputih, Wringinanom. Flere detaljer er som nedenfor.
Firmaets navn : Seger Agro Nusantara, Pt By / Provins : Gresik,Eastjava,61176 Land : Indonesia Adresse : Jl. Raya Wringinanom Km. 30Pasinan Lemahputih, Wringinanom International områdekode : 62Telefon : +62-318983288 Kontakt : Santoso Leksono Widodo,Andrianto Leksono Widodo,Sutikno Leksono Widodo Kategori Aktiviteter : Food Wholesalers IndustryMedarbejdere : 43 Samlede årlige salg : $5.59MProfil : Seger Agro Nusantara, Pt is located in Gresik, East Java, Indonesia and is part of the Food Wholesalers Industry. Seger Agro Nusantara, Pt has 43 total employees across all of its locations and generates 5.59 million in sales (USD).
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Sumber Pelita Mataram, Pt
Purana Parasindo, Pt
Seger Agro Nusantara, Pt
Gunung Intan Permata, Pt
Kompindo Wiratama, Pt
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