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PT Captus Prima Group

PT Captus Prima Group ialah syarikat Indonesia, bertempat di Jl. Pahlawan 179, Bogor 16131, West Java. butiran lanjut seperti di bawah.

Maklumat Syarikat

  • Nama Syarikat: PT Captus Prima Group
  • Bandar Raya/Daerah: Jl. Pahlawan 179, Bogor 16131, West Java
  • Negara: INDONESIA
  • Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan 179, Bogor 16131, West Java
  • Kod Kawasan Antarabangsa: 62
  • Telefon: (08) 1816 3416 (+62-(08) 1816 3416)
  • Tentang Kami: About PT Captus Prima Group Today's competitive environment demands that companies are able tomodify the rules that define their business activities quickly so theycan seize new business opportunities and dynamically adapt to avertproblems as they appear.In order to ensure that business performance is optimized, companiesmust gain insight into the relationship between business activities andthe infrastructure that supports them.
  • Kawasan: Jawa Barat
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