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CITRA KOMPUTER ialah syarikat Indonesia, bertempat di Jln. Pancoran Barat IV No. 28 Jakarta Selatan jakarta selatan 12780, Jakarta Indonesia. butiran lanjut seperti di bawah.

Maklumat Syarikat

  • Nama Syarikat: CITRA KOMPUTER
  • Negara: INDONESIA
  • Alamat: Jln. Pancoran Barat IV No. 28 Jakarta Selatan jakarta selatan 12780, Jakarta Indonesia
  • Kod Kawasan Antarabangsa: 62
  • Telefon: 62.21. 68337922
  • Mudah Alih: 62. 21. 68337922
  • Hubungi: Mr. Eko Sugiarto
  • Kedudukan: Owner/Entrepreneur
  • Tentang Kami: Our company produce for example Internet, Rental, Instal, spart part, Service The Computer, Printing, Sell the computer, installation Warnet, Our Camera Digital, peripatetic companyin area Hardware, we provide the Serverand other accessories at the price of very Compotitif....We 'S team hardware & networking* DESIGN AND NETWORK IMPLEMENTATIONBlessshop give the service to design the Your computer nEtwork start from designed by cabling, hub / switching, server, up to its installation* INTRANET DEVELOPMENTWe develop;build the kolaborasi document, schedule, contactand other;dissimilar information usher the friend humanity work in Your office scope among other things passing enamel and internal web server Its final purpose is improve Your performance and Your friend in office* OFFICE INTERNET CONNECTION SHARINGUse Internet in this time have cannot be bargained againWe give the solution for You, to divide the Your koneksi Internet with entire ,all user at Your office, without having to have a lot of Internet account and new telephone extensionPacket of Web Programer & Development our Analyst system will check the data base which you Wish and Need As According To Database & in making Program* NETWORKINGinwrought and stable System Koneksi Network in local network relation or link intranet and also pengesetan of network and installation for the koneksi of in various computer by sharing by Server is system Win 2000 Advance Server* MULTIMEDIAWe offer At you of service of making of media persentation, Animation , Interaktif Media , Concept Creator , Video Product , Post Production , Design Graphical , and Making Banner For the Application of advertisement and and also pengabungan of between software software design for the result of perfect* GAME STATIONvery System Conecksi quickly [among/between] PC Game, available game : Counter Strike VG4.3 ., Diablo II, red aleart I and II , in this case we give the wiranti terhadapat consumer for the maintanance of* APLICATION SYSTEMService of Making of Application Program matching with Your requirement ex: Hotel of Management system , to be White colars etc.* PARK DOMAINYou possible have planned to do to own the situs web, but in this time not yet ready to sepenuhnya.Anda will use it later on day. But how if name domain which you aprove ,ex "" wait taken by a people? For a while you know that registration of name domain [is] " first come first serve". Might possibly there will be others tomorrow registering the name domain and loss you'd forever and ever* Web Designcreative Design Web , konviden , reliable , represent the target and also motivate from us to create a[n maximal result utilize to compete and occupy the position for in business of world technology of Indonesia Information.We offer the making of Design of Animation and Application Web according to your requirement and we out for give best to you is , with the technique design from all designer us which professional, result of design will be more be efficient and [do] not membinggungkan of all your visitor websiteOur Information.Contact : Eko SugiartoCompany Name : Computer ImageLocated : Jl. Market of Km Sunday. 17 Dam Three Kalibata Jak-SelEMaiL : [email protected] : + 62 2170681201 + 62 2170128795.HALTED. CROSSING PARAGRAPH LIMITATION,
  • Jenis: Trade, Service of Computer Hardware & Software category
  • Kawasan: Jakarta
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