JUN MASTER COMPUTER ialah syarikat Indonesia, bertempat di perum atas bukit hermon kelurahan walian tomohon,sulawesi utara,indonesia tomohon,sulawesi utara,indonesia 95362, Sulawesi Utara Indonesia. butiran lanjut seperti di bawah.
Maklumat Syarikat
Nama Syarikat : JUN MASTER COMPUTER Negara : INDONESIA Alamat : perum atas bukit hermon kelurahan walian tomohon,sulawesi utara,indonesia tomohon,sulawesi utara,indonesia 95362, Sulawesi Utara Indonesia Kod Kawasan Antarabangsa : 62Telefon : 62-0431-354029 Faks : 620431354029 Mudah Alih : 62-08124400405 Hubungi : Mr. Ir Djunaidi Pudjihartono Kedudukan : Director/CEO/General ManagerTentang Kami : company profilecompany name: jun master computerestablished : december 1998capital : us$ 10.000bank : PT bank central asia,tomohon,sulawesi utara,indonesiaa/c:170.0127369a/n:Ir djunaidi pudjihartonoexecutives : director- Ir djunaidi pudjihartonofinance director- Diah priyanti setiobudi.address : perum atas,bukit hermonkelurahan walian dusun wawotomohon 95362,sulawesi utaraindonesia.phone : 0431-354029handphone : 08124400405email : [email protected] @hotmail.comurl : http://www.geocities.com/promo_net2001/is.htmlcontact : Ir djunaidi pudjihartono, director.business : 1.Education & Training Information Technology(RPG for IBM AS/400,RPG for IBM System/36,visual basic,visual foxpro,foxbase,clipper,cobol,basic,novell,unix,microsoft office,dataflex,service maintenance electrical,LAN,flowchart,system analyst,design accounting,inventory,payroll,banking system,ATM hardware,cash management system,trading mgm system,sales mgm system,payroll system,TQM,Train for The Trainer,Sales system Training,Master Seller,Real est mgmt ,Entreneurship etc).2.Consultant IT,feasibility studies & implementation3.Software House IS integrated System ,software forPOINT OF SALES,Distribution,GEneral ledger.(supermarket,drugstore,mini market,bookstore,fotostudios,distributors etc)4.Software Development for business application.5.Sales Hardware pc EXTRON,Service,Training,Maintenance Service (http://www.pcextron.com).6.create/develop software visual basic/foxpro toHelping student of information technology to passof thesis .company background:Jun Master computer was established indecember 1998. The birth of Jun Master Computer is mainlybased on the strong and ever increasing demand on softwarecomputerization on manado city, which becomes indispensableto further develop the indonesia economy, and based upon thefact that computer software business are scarce in the market place.Back by the experienced and qualified engineers from PT BankDanamon Indonesia (financial banking company) as Regional EDP Manager9 years and programmer for IBM AS/400& IBM system/36, and Extensivecomputer facilities at STTS univercity (educator for IBM minicomputer),JUN MASTER COMPUTER provides comprehensive Business Integrated Systemto national as well as International market .JUn Master Computer mainline business covers the business application,such as for mini market,supermarket,drug store,bookstore,salon,fast food,restaurant,duty free shop and all of who are using machine cash register.business scope:* business applicationMany Package programs have already been written, but the futuredemands more sophisticated aplication software. It is importantfor the information technology industries to develop suitable softwareto satisfy the diversified requirements expecially business application.Our business is Dealer Software for Retailer Solution, IS integrated systemsPOINT OF SALES retailer system.IS Integrated systems software development activity covers the area of:. with this program,using computer becomes as easy as cash register,but with greater capacities and advantages.The benefit of the program is that it is able to perform stockcontrols and issue a lot of useful reports.The program also supports POS devices such as:Pole display,miniprinter,cash drawer,bar code scanner ,and magnetic card reader.We hope that by using this program may enhance the work efficiencyas well as to progress your company.(for example the market area for IS singapore/malaysia on website:http://www.is-retailer.com or http://www.geocities.com/promo_net2001/is.html)..other business-related application(general ledger,distributors).* business partner.Jun Master Computer Software consultancy ,is looking for business partners in other countries.- Software consultancy for customised and turnkey projects infinance,manufacturing and distributors sectors.- expertise in unix,novell netware,as/400 & windows, & abreastwith the latest technology developments.- Marketing agents,software vendors,hardware vendors,IT consultantsmay write in strict confidence,giving relevant details to theaddress below:JUN MASTER COMPUTER Consultancy.IS integrated System ,software for Accounting Solution.Perum atas,bukit hermon ,kelurahan walian,dusun wawoTomohon 95362,Sulawesi utara,indonesiaPhone:62-0431-354029Handphone:08124400405email:junmasterco [email protected] or [email protected] :http://www.geocities.com/promo_net2001/is.htmlJenis : Service of Computer Hardware & Software categoryKawasan : Sulawesi Utara
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