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Ga Indonesia, Pt

Ga Indonesia, Pt ialah syarikat Indonesia, bertempat di Jl. H.M. Ashari Km. 5 Rt. 006 / 001Cibinong. butiran lanjut seperti di bawah.

Maklumat Syarikat

  • Nama Syarikat: Ga Indonesia, Pt
  • Bandar Raya/Daerah: Bogor,Westjava,16111
  • Negara: Indonesia
  • Alamat: Jl. H.M. Ashari Km. 5 Rt. 006 / 001Cibinong
  • Kod Kawasan Antarabangsa: 62
  • Telefon: +62-218763513
  • Hubungi: Youn Sok Sung,Song Sung Wook
  • Kategori Aktiviti: Men'S Clothing Manufacturing Industry
  • Jumlah Jualan Tahunan: $3.50M
  • Profil: Ga Indonesia, Pt is located in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia and is part of the Men's Clothing Manufacturing Industry. Ga Indonesia, Pt has 1,600 total employees across all of its locations. There are 2 companies in the Ga Indonesia, Pt corporate family.
Banyak lagi pautan

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  • Elsyndo Kreasi Indonesia, Pt
  • Ga Indonesia, Pt
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  • Rojo Busana Indonesia, Pt

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