Sarana Indo Persada, Pt ialah syarikat Indonesia, bertempat di 26A Jl. Batu Tulis Raya Rt.003 Rw.002Kebon Kelapa, Gambir. butiran lanjut seperti di bawah.
Maklumat Syarikat
Nama Syarikat : Sarana Indo Persada, Pt Bandar Raya/Daerah : Centraljakarta,Jakarta,10120 Negara : Indonesia Alamat : 26A Jl. Batu Tulis Raya Rt.003 Rw.002Kebon Kelapa, Gambir Kod Kawasan Antarabangsa : 62Telefon : +62-2138902500 Hubungi : Djani Lobian,Lie Lie Djoamin Yoes Kategori Aktiviti : Oil & Gas Field Services IndustryJumlah Jualan Tahunan : $5.22MProfil : Sarana Indo Persada, Pt is located in Central Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia and is part of the Oil & Gas Field Services Industry. Sarana Indo Persada, Pt has 20 total employees across all of its locations and generates 5.06 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the Sarana Indo Persada, Pt corporate family.
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