ANEKA CITRA KOMPUTER is a Indonesia company, located in Harco Mangga Dua Lt 3 Jakarta 17112, Jakarta Indonesia. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: ANEKA CITRA KOMPUTERCountry: INDONESIAAddress: Harco Mangga Dua Lt 3 Jakarta 17112, Jakarta IndonesiaInternational Area Code: 62Phone: 612 9375, 702 24801 (+62-612 9375, 702 24801)Fax: 612 9375 (+62-612 9375)Mobile: 702 24801 (+62-702 24801)Contact: Mr. Aneka Citra KomputerPosition: Director/CEO/General ManagerAbout Us: We are from Aneka Citra Computer wish to give tender of spare-parts computer and service- for service have warranty ( Printer, CPU, monitor, Ups )- Installasi Network and SoftwareSALE AND RENT VILLA GREEN APPLEemail : [email protected] : 021-612 9375 / 702 24801Type: Trade, Service of Computer Hardware & Software categoryArea: Jakarta More Links EXCELTECH COMPUTER MAJAPAHIT AGUNG SENTOSA ANEKA CITRA KOMPUTER TONER & OPC SUPERNAGA GROSIR ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments