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ASIA ART is a Indonesia company, located in jl penyaringan g arjuna2 no 1 denpasar Sanur - bali 8000, Bali Indonesia. more detail is as below.

Company Information

  • Company Name: ASIA ART
  • Country: INDONESIA
  • Address: jl penyaringan g arjuna2 no 1 denpasar Sanur - bali 8000, Bali Indonesia
  • International Area Code: 62
  • Phone: +62 361 8427218
  • Mobile: +62 81239 77543
  • Contact: Mr. agung
  • Position: Owner/Entrepreneur
  • About Us: Asia Art Jewelry - Shell, Bone, Wood Jewelry AccessoriesAsia Art Jewelry produces and wholesales various natural jewelry (shell jewelry, bone jewelry, horn, wood, coco, stone, and silver jewelry). Our products consist of Earrings, Necklaces, Pendants, Bracelets, Rings, and Plug accessories.Our company located in Bali, a small island in the heart of Southeast Asia. Bali, the island of arts & crafts, has been known as the center of jewelry industry in Indonesia.We strive to provide our customers with the best possible jewelry in quality, design and service. Our goal is to provide new elegant and natural designs in jewelry on a monthly basis to keep everyone's showcase fresh and customers coming back.Currently, we have serve our buyers from Australia, New Zealand, UK, France and hope to serve you soon.Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our products. Or if you want buy special products that you can't find in our catalog, we always ready to make the products depend on your specific need.
  • Type: Manufacturing of Gifts & Crafts category
  • Area: Bali
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