LISA NURSERY is a Indonesia company, located in jL. MANGGA 3 NO. 9 PURIN KENDAL 51531, Jawa Tengah Indonesia. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: LISA NURSERYCountry: INDONESIAAddress: jL. MANGGA 3 NO. 9 PURIN KENDAL 51531, Jawa Tengah IndonesiaInternational Area Code: 62Phone: 0294 382239 (+62-0294 382239)Fax: 0294 382239 (+62-0294 382239)Mobile: 8886442975 (+62-8886442975)Contact: Mr. JONNYPosition: Owner/EntrepreneurAbout Us: BERGERAK DALAM JUAL BELI TANAMAN HIAS JENIS ANTHURIUMType: Trade of Agriculture categoryArea: Jawa Tengah More Links YAMUNA PT. MULTI STRUCTURE LISA NURSERY PT. STEEL SURYA MANDIRI DE-IT ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments