PT. YECH SALES SERVICES is a Indonesia company, located in Jl. Pampangan No. 8 Padang 25221, Sumatera Barat Indonesia. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: PT. YECH SALES SERVICESCountry: INDONESIAAddress: Jl. Pampangan No. 8 Padang 25221, Sumatera Barat IndonesiaInternational Area Code: 62Phone: +62 0751 8216886Fax: +62 0751 8216886Mobile: +62 081363789728Contact: Mr. Yulinal EfrizarPosition: Director/CEO/General ManagerAbout Us: yech is a product distribution and sales services company specialy in Province Riau. We accept product offering to be sold and distributed in Riau.Type: Trade, Service of Business Services categoryArea: Sumatera Barat More Links PRIBADI MR. ARA`S CREATIVE BUSINESS PT. YECH SALES SERVICES PT. ONLINE DJASA PROCESSING DC PRODUCTION ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments