Bumen Citra Mandiri, PT is a Indonesia company, located in Jl. Mayor No. 16 Pekayon bekasi jl. raya narogong KM, 18,5 Cileungsi Bogor, Indonesia 17147, Jakarta. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : Bumen Citra Mandiri, PT City/Province : Jakarta Country : INDONESIA Address : Jl. Mayor No. 16 Pekayon bekasi jl. raya narogong KM, 18,5 Cileungsi Bogor, Indonesia 17147, Jakarta International Area Code : 62Phone : +6221-8270273 Fax : +6221-8213302 Website : www.filtech-indosukses.com Category Activities : &Type : About Filtech Indosukse PT Filtech Indosukses is a pioneer in air re-cyclean technology, where we applies only green technology to extend the use of air filters along with environmentally friendly chemicals to be used within the process.Area : Jawa Barat
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Filtech Indosukses
Bumen Citra Mandiri, PT
Bumen Citra Mandiri, PT
Cv Nirwana Electric
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