BINA AGRO MANDIRI is a Indonesia company, located in Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Senggotan RT 11 Gg Kepel 356 Tirtonirmolo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta 55555, Yogyakarta Indonesia. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : BINA AGRO MANDIRI Country : INDONESIA Address : Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Senggotan RT 11 Gg Kepel 356 Tirtonirmolo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta 55555, Yogyakarta Indonesia International Area Code : 62Phone : 0274 7153181 (+62-0274 7153181) Mobile : 8156851621 (+62-8156851621) Contact : Mr. Rony Pranata Position : Director/CEO/General ManagerAbout Us : We produce Virgin Coconut Oil which achieved by using fresh organic coconut meat or what is called non-copra. One of the main differences between Virgin Coconut Oil and refined coconut oils is the scent and taste. All Virgin Coconut Oils retain the fresh scent and taste of coconuts, whereas the copra-based refined coconut oils have a bland taste due to the refining process.We make a very strict of attention to detail that begins with choosing the right nuts.Our oil is cold processed and unrefined. No chemicals are used at any time in the process of making the VCO. Laboratory tests show that this is a very high quality coconut oil, with the lauric acid content being 52%. Our VCO also has a very low moisture content (0.03%).Our recent product capacity is 30.000 MT per-month.Type : Trade, Service of Agriculture categoryArea : Yogyakarta
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