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Kranggan Jati Furniture

Kranggan Jati Furniture is a Indonesia company, located in Jl. Diponegoro No. 42 Purwogondo Kartasura, Solo 57166, Jawa Tengah. more detail is as below.

Company Information

  • Company Name: Kranggan Jati Furniture
  • City/Province: Jawa
  • Country: INDONESIA
  • Address: Jl. Diponegoro No. 42 Purwogondo Kartasura, Solo 57166, Jawa Tengah
  • International Area Code: 62
  • Phone: (062) 271 780934 (+62-(062) 271 780934)
  • Fax: (062) 271 780934 (+62-(062) 271 780934)
  • Website:
  • About Us: About Kranggan Jati Furniture We are a manufacturer and exporter both machine and hand-made Indoors furniture. We provides many types of those items. We constantly adding new item and improving in existing ones. If you do not fine what you are looking for, you should simply send your sketch or technical drawing of what you are looking for.We are often able to quote the products based on customers drawing only. It's means that any designs, variation, and any special types those are required by the customers are welcome and protected.We guarantees that all of its furniture are made to the highest standard, material, kiln dried to reach 12-14% of moisture content, and production process are tightly controlled by our Quality Controller Department and or Third Party QC (Buyer QC).We hopefully can take apart in your special project, do a good business relationship with you in future.
  • Category Activities: Bedroom
  • Area: Jawa Tengah
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