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PANDAWALIMA is a Indonesia company, located in jl.cilember no 277 bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia. more detail is as below.

Company Information

  • Company Name: PANDAWALIMA
  • Country: INDONESIA
  • Address: jl.cilember no 277 bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia
  • International Area Code: 62
  • Phone: 2291517851 (+62-2291517851)
  • Contact: Mr. soegiartho
  • Position: Director/CEO/General Manager
  • About Us: the part for the spaz coach was located in indiana and is to arrive as late as wednesday night.... no go. bye, spaz coach, thank you for housing us!we cleaned the coach and the 5lowershop bus and got everything loaded up as neatly as possible. changing the filters, filling the tanks, checking in constantly... we all want/need to get home.last night was double dutch again, standard d dragged one of the twenties in and balanced on it while spinning the ropes. that girl is amazing. we all are.i believe the unanimous feeling is that this tour has helped us grow and evolve both as a team and as individuals. we've made friends, explored, tried new things, learned skills, gotten through crises and shared different asppects of our collective personalities with one another.
  • Type: Trade of Food & Beverage category
  • Area: Jawa Barat
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