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INDOVERO, CV. is a Indonesia company, located in JL.SULTAN AGENG TIRTAYASA 122 KAB.CIREBON 45153, Jawa Barat Indonesia. more detail is as below.

Company Information

  • Company Name: INDOVERO, CV.
  • Country: INDONESIA
  • Address: JL.SULTAN AGENG TIRTAYASA 122 KAB.CIREBON 45153, Jawa Barat Indonesia
  • International Area Code: 62
  • Phone: +62231486935/487573
  • Fax: 62231487573
  • Mobile: 622319119896
  • Contact: Mr. Budi Setiawan
  • Position: Marketing
  • About Us: Indovero,CVWe produces a furniture esspecially rattan furniture for importersand distributors around the world for homedecorative items, storage boxes, kitchen lines,hotel products,dinning chairs, bedroom and bathroom chest forclothes storage.Our product line is very unique with a very highquality weave that is not produced anywhere elsein the world due to the technique and timeinvolved in the weave as well as the availabilityof the raw materials.The essential characteristics of our products are:- Modern and attractive design- Solid and strong construction- moderate (reasonable) priceOur product line is very unique with a very highquality.we are looking to distributeeither in partnership with decorative itemsdistributors or the product is also ideal forcompanies that distribute conservatory furnitureas our products work in perfect harmony with thecane furniture.We are currently looking to expand our marketsand are therefore looking for active partners towork with us for distributing our products withinyour local markets. if you have some questions,please do not feel hesistate to answer and we can alsoattach to you some pictures of our products.We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
  • Type: Manufacturing, Trade of Furniture & Furnishings category
  • Area: Jawa Barat
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