Sentra Prima Utama, Pt is a Indonesia company, located in Ruko21 Klampis Blok D-7 Jl. Ar Hakim No.51, Surabaya 60117, Jawa Timur. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : Sentra Prima Utama, Pt City/Province : Surabaya Country : Indonesia Address : Ruko21 Klampis Blok D-7 Jl. Ar Hakim No.51, Surabaya 60117, Jawa Timur International Area Code : 62Phone : (031) 5964800, (031) 70971633 (+62-(031) 5964800, (031) 70971633) Fax : (031) 5914337 (+62-(031) 5914337) About Us : About Sentra Prima Utama, Pt Our company is the leading supplier installer of Sound Security Systems.We provide free design and the best solutions for any requirement : Sound System, Conference System (wired wireless), CCTV, IP-Camera, Digital Video Recorder, Alarm Intrusion Systems.Supporting by experienced team and trusted product, you can believe that we will deliver the prime quality service to you.Contact us now!
Category Activities : Access-Control-Systems-Hardware-Software Alarm-Systems-FireArea : Jawa Timur
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