NALLA' SIRUP PLUS RUMPUT LAUT is a Indonesia company, located in parang kusumo I / 16 semarang 50000, Jawa Tengah Indonesia. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: NALLA' SIRUP PLUS RUMPUT LAUTCountry: INDONESIAAddress: parang kusumo I / 16 semarang 50000, Jawa Tengah IndonesiaInternational Area Code: 62Phone: 64-24-6713419 (+62-64-24-6713419)Mobile: 6285860775933Contact: Ms. rachelPosition: MarketingAbout Us: we product and sale healthy natural syrop with many flafoursType: Manufacturing, Trade of Food & Beverage categoryArea: Jawa Tengah More Links BAHANA RELAY AJIE DESIGN & BUILD NALLA' SIRUP PLUS RUMPUT LAUT WAWANFLORA KOMPAS ADVENTURE MAGELANG ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments