PT. WINSMART INDONESIA is a Indonesia company, located in Pulomas Building Gd V Lt II Room 4-5 Jakarta Timur 13210, Jakarta Indonesia. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : PT. WINSMART INDONESIA Country : INDONESIA Address : Pulomas Building Gd V Lt II Room 4-5 Jakarta Timur 13210, Jakarta Indonesia International Area Code : 62Phone : 6221 - 4895528 Fax : 6221 47869364 Mobile : 62811985454 Contact : Mr. Hasyim Ashari Position : Director/CEO/General ManagerAbout Us : PT. WINSMART INDONESIA is committed to provide Worldwide Ocean and Air Transportation & Logistics Services in the most effective and efficient mode in order to meet our precious Customer's need and requirementsThere are other companies bigger than PT. WINSMART INDONESIA. But in the world of technology, size is no longer as important as service. And customer is or edge. No matter how large the shipment or how complicated the logistics, our analyst will work with you to custom-design a way to get it faster, better and cheaperType : Service of Transportation categoryArea : Jakarta
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