PRESTO JAYA is a Indonesia company, located in PURNASAKTI BANJARMASIN 70245, Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: PRESTO JAYACountry: INDONESIAAddress: PURNASAKTI BANJARMASIN 70245, Kalimantan Selatan IndonesiaInternational Area Code: 62Phone: 0511 4420536 (+62-0511 4420536)Contact: Mrs. IBUK NININGPosition: Owner/EntrepreneurAbout Us: PRODUCT & SALE SOME KINDS OF SNACK WTHOUT FRIED, FOR EXAMPLE: NASTAR DAUN, NASTAR CENGKEH, KARAMEL, BOLU, BROWNIES KUKUS, BROWNIES PANGGANG, PUTRI SALJU, AND PRESTO OF THE BANDENG FISH TOO.Type: Trade of Food & Beverage categoryArea: Kalimantan Selatan More Links INDONILE NETWORK & SERVICES PT. MANDIRI SWADAYA PERKASA PRESTO JAYA AGUNG JAYA ZAHRA FARM ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments