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CARRINGTON is a Indonesia company, located in Sukamantri II no 8 Bandung Bandung 40123, Jawa Barat Indonesia. more detail is as below.

Company Information

  • Company Name: CARRINGTON
  • Country: INDONESIA
  • Address: Sukamantri II no 8 Bandung Bandung 40123, Jawa Barat Indonesia
  • International Area Code: 62
  • Phone: (022) 594 2436 (+62-(022) 594 2436)
  • Mobile: 0815 722 60941 (+62-0815 722 60941)
  • Contact: Mr. Adi Pramudinta
  • Position: Marketing
  • About Us: we are a manufactured company based on apparel product. We produce a lot of kind of apparel with good material. We didn't think that we sell our product, but we give you a satisfaction as you ordered to us. It's a credit point to us if your company produce apparel at Carrington. The Consumer Satisfaction is a part of our integrity in doing business. We electroduce a good method to our producing. If there was a company or person who wants to be made a good relationship with us, we ready to be a part of your partner in good addition.
  • Type: Organizations of Apparel & Fashion category
  • Area: Jawa Barat
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