KIA Keramik Mas PT is a Indonesia company, located in Jl Surya Lestari Kav 1 & 2 Kota Industri Surya Cipta; KARAWANG; JAWA BARAT. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : KIA Keramik Mas PT Country : Indonesia Address : Jl Surya Lestari Kav 1 & 2 Kota Industri Surya Cipta; KARAWANG; JAWA BARAT International Area Code : 62Phone : 0267-440401, 0267-440402, 0267-440403, 0267-440407, 0267-440453 (+62-0267-440401, 0267-440402, 0267-440403, 0267-440407, 0267-440453) Fax : 0267-440411, 0267-440412 (+62-0267-440411, 0267-440412) Category Activities : Ceramics Equipment and Supplies - RetailArea : Jawa Barat Industry : Ceramics Equipment And Supplies - Retail
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Keramik Megah Jaya UD
Keramik Toko
KIA Keramik Mas PT
KIA Serpih Mas PT
Kukuh Keramik
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