Kobin Keramik Industri PT is a Indonesia company, located in Jl Ngoro Industri Persada Bl O/5-6-7; NGORO INDUSTRI; JAWA TIMUR. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : Kobin Keramik Industri PT Country : Indonesia Address : Jl Ngoro Industri Persada Bl O/5-6-7; NGORO INDUSTRI; JAWA TIMUR International Area Code : 62Phone : 0321-618168, 0321-618160, 0321-618161, 0321-618162, 0321-618164, 0321-618165, 0321-618166, 0321-618167, 0321-618169 (+62-0321-618168, 0321-618160, 0321-618161, 0321-618162, 0321-618164, 0321-618165, 0321-618166, 0321-618167, 0321-618169) Category Activities : Tile - Ceramic - Manufacturers and DistributorsArea : Jawa Timur Industry : Tile - Ceramic - Manufacturers And Distributors
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