Catur Hanurata Ortensio, Pt is a Indonesia company, located in Jl. Pahlawan Seribu, Golden Boulevard Blok F1-12Bumi Serpong Damai City. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : Catur Hanurata Ortensio, Pt City/Province : Tangerang,15310 Country : Indonesia Address : Jl. Pahlawan Seribu, Golden Boulevard Blok F1-12Bumi Serpong Damai City International Area Code : 62Phone : +62-2153160902 Contact : Royan Sinarta Lubis,Lambok Saut Naibaho Category Activities : Oil & Gas Field Services IndustryEmployees : 52 Total Annual Sales : $12.40MProfile : Catur Hanurata Ortensio, Pt is located in Tangerang, Indonesia and is part of the Oil & Gas Field Services Industry. Catur Hanurata Ortensio, Pt has 52 total employees across all of its locations and generates 11.99 million in sales (USD).
More Links
Arcadian Indonesia, Pt
Pasifik Timur Energindo, Pt
Catur Hanurata Ortensio, Pt
Agitek Utama, Pt
Sunindo Pratama, Pt
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