UD. MICRO CIPTA MANDIRI是一家印度尼西亚的公司,位于Jl. Pikatan, Mudal Rt 01/ Rw 2 Temanggung 56228, Jawa Tengah Indonesia。 更多详细信息如下。 公司信息 公司名称: UD. MICRO CIPTA MANDIRI国家: INDONESIA地址: Jl. Pikatan, Mudal Rt 01/ Rw 2 Temanggung 56228, Jawa Tengah Indonesia国际区号: 62电话: 62-293-5570307 / 62-293-5537801传真: ihsanku@yahoocom (+62-ihsanku@yahoocom)手机: 6281575900145联络: Mr. Ihsan Sulistiyanto位置: Director/CEO/General Manager关于我们: We are company that specialist in Computer, Elektro, Telecommunications and Digital System. We open to stand up in the year 2005 with SIUP No: 503.517 / 328 and TDP: 13155202450.We have some product which we offer with quality of good and have warranty. Even the quality of which we offer goodness, but price which we offer [is] enough reached and is economic. Our products for example :- Language Lab- Language Laboratory- Language Laboratorium- Automatic Bell- Central audio- Alarm System- PLC trainer- Microcontroller trainer- PABX ( Telephon between room)- Machine Absence and fingerprint of Barcode.For furthermore boldness about our product, can be seen in List Product.For other information can contact us:Email: [email protected]: 062-293-5570307 / 062-293-5537801HP: +62-81575900145类型: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Security & Protection category地区: Jawa Tengah 更多链接 AL QURAN DIGITAL FATUMINDO HASBA PERSADA PTHANNA MITRA JAYATAMA UD. MICRO CIPTA MANDIRI UD. MICRO CIPTA MANDIRI PT. BARISAN BAJA PERKASA ‹ 前一页 | 下一页 › 登录以发表评论