PT.MUNTIARA RAKIT TIGA是一家印度尼西亚的公司,位于JL. RAYA MENUR NO 121 SURABAYA, Jawa Timur - Gerbangkertasusila Indonesia。 更多详细信息如下。 公司信息 公司名称: PT.MUNTIARA RAKIT TIGA国家: INDONESIA地址: JL. RAYA MENUR NO 121 SURABAYA, Jawa Timur - Gerbangkertasusila Indonesia国际区号: 62电话: +62315921002/+623171985617传真: 62315921002手机: 6281331975682联络: Mr. Supratman位置: Director/CEO/General Manager关于我们: COMPANY PROFILECompany historiesMUNTIARA RAKIT TIGA (PT) was build on 2007 accordance with certificate build Limited Company dated may 14, 2007 number: 55 made front of notarize WACHID HASYIM SH, and need to inform, although this company is new classified, but organization personnel who was moving this company have experience more than 20 (twenty) years, both from executive board until low in rank.Build this company with overripe opinion, because we was manage company more than 10 (ten) years before, and the company name is INTAN PERKASA (CV), Meaning of build this company is priority in service repair build of the ship and all the job who was interconnections with marine industries, but we are will be wing develop more again and also support BUMNIS activity, government project and also private entrepreneur in framework follow participation in development plan.SCOPE ACTIVITYA.SECTOR SERVICE PRODUCTION REPAIR AND MAINTENACE1.Service ship building and ship repair also spare part and equipment.2.Repair and maintenance instrument of production envelope machinery and crane.3.Supply spare part and other component want to needed in build and repair the ship/ docking also production tools.B.SECTOR CONTRACTOR IN GENERAL ENGNEERING FIELD.1.Steel construction2.Mechanical3.Electrical and air conditioner.4.Automation controls systemC.SECTOR CONTRACTOR CIVIL ENGINEERING1.On shore transport tools (crane, forklift, truck)2.Maintenance and repair shore transport tools crane tolls.3.Rental shore transportation.D.SECTOR SIVIL JOB1. Maintenance of civil building2. Renovation of civil building3. Paved road4. IrrigationEQUIPMENT LISTA. TOOLS MACHINE1. Lathe machine2. Grindstone machine3. Milling machine4. Drilling machine5. Machines of metal sheet job, bending and press.6. Machines of welding and cutting7. Machines of sand blasting.B. HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMNET1. Forklift2. Crane transportations3. Touring equipmentCOMPANY FORMATIONDATA OF GENERAL COMPANYA. COMPANY NAME: MUNTIARA RAKIT TIGA .PTCOMPANY STATUS : CENTRAL OFFICECOMPANY ADDRESS: RAYA MENUR ST NO 121SURABAYAPHONE:+6231.5921002B. BASE LAW OF COMPANYFOUNDING CERTIFICATENotaries : WACHID HASYIM. SHNumber : 55Date : MAY 14, 2007LICENSE LETTER·License letter effort commerce (SIUP) from KANWIL commerce Surabaya district number: 503 date May 14, 2007.·Company Sign list (TDP) from KANWIL commerce Surabaya district Number:·Main number must pay taxes (NPWB):02.670.146.6-606.000 date May 22, 2007.BANKING·MANDIRI Bank, Jembatan merah Surabaya, and BCA Bank VETERAN Surabaya.CAPITAL FIRMBase capital of this company total Rp 100.000.000,-(one hundred million Rupiah) divided on 200 (two hundred share) each of them have value Rp 500.000,-JOB REFERENCESHIP REPAIR as bellow:·Repair flank (starboard & port)·Repair engine and broiler·Pump, valve, electric motor, compressor·Piping systemSHIP BUILDING:· Assembly block·Grand assembly block·Erection blockGENERAL ENGINEERING:·Exhaust gas / ducting·Shell skirt·Water box·Condenser·Hood & casing·Wood & furniture·Repair engine & machining and Etc·Automation controls systemCIVIL ENGINEERING:·Renovation building big house and Etc·Development irrigation system·Repair road类型: Service of Construction & Real Estate category地区: Jawa Timur 更多链接 MIDI DANGDUT PALAPA PLASTIC RECYCLE FOUNDATION PT.MUNTIARA RAKIT TIGA PT. GAMALAMA SURYA JAYA STARROLL SUKSES MANDIRI ‹ 前一页 | 下一页 › 登录以发表评论