DUNIA MAINAN ANAK是一家印尼的公司,位于Cibubur Jakarta 16954, Jakarta Indonesia。 更詳細如下。 公司信息 公司名稱: DUNIA MAINAN ANAK國家: INDONESIA地址: Cibubur Jakarta 16954, Jakarta Indonesia國際區號: 62電話: 62-21-23565228傳真: 62214508313行動: 08161172836 / 0811974904 (+62-08161172836 / 0811974904)聯絡: Mr. Imelda Handiyanto位置: Owner/Entrepreneur關於我們: We sell various kinds of kid's toys (including remote control car and helicopter), puzzles, and games. The price is very competitive not only from modern market but also from traditional market.Our website ( www.tokomainanonline.com or www.duniamainan.blogspot.com ) will be updated regularly. We have over 150 items of product displayed. So please come and visit and make your own selection of your prefered products.We are located in Jakarta, Indonesia. And we offer you 3 pick up points, which is free of charge, that are Cibubur (Rafflesh Hills), Sudirman (Sumitmas I, right across Ratu Plaza) and Thamrin (Deutsche Bank Building or Nikko Hotel, around Hotel Indonesia).Should you have any queries feel free to email us at [email protected] or 08161172836.Kind regards,Imelda Handiyanto類型: Trade of Toys category地區: Jakarta 更多鏈接 JOINCO LILIN NAGA DUNIA MAINAN ANAK PT. D.U.A PICASSO HERBAL ‹ 上一頁 | 下一頁 › 發表回應前,請先登入