PTOLAHDATASKRIPSI是一家印尼的公司,位于Gang Irian no 125 b Jalan kaliurang Km 6.5/ Surokarsan MG II/459 Yogyakarta Yogyakarta 55286, Yogyakarta Indonesia。 更詳細如下。 公司信息 公司名稱: PTOLAHDATASKRIPSI國家: INDONESIA地址: Gang Irian no 125 b Jalan kaliurang Km 6.5/ Surokarsan MG II/459 Yogyakarta Yogyakarta 55286, Yogyakarta Indonesia國際區號: 62電話: 62-88-2810892/ 62-81 328 241行動: 62-88-2810892/ 62-81 328 241聯絡: Mr. MOMON位置: Owner/Entrepreneur關於我們: PT OLAH DATA SKRIPSIIt was the Company that the first time in Yogyakarta and the only one in Indonesia the holder of QUADRAT Copyright that was involved in the service and Thesis of Thesis consultations in a manner ounce-LINE ,dengan the address Surokarsan MG II/459 Yogyakarta served both for the Company ,Organisasi the Public's Advertising and the non Public, on the whole generally and to the Student ,Pelajar, the Employee ,baik S-1 ,S-2, D3 that needed the service and Thesis ,baik of Thesis consultations in a manner ounce-Line or via smsed +6281 328 241 or immediately came to our Head Office care of Surokarsan MG II/459 Yogyakarta for more Clear Information clicked Web site we http://www.PTOLAHDATASKRIPSI. indonetwork for the sending of the Data that would in processed sent to Surokarsan MG II/459 Yogyakarta or to our e-mail: [email protected] data that was sent by you in a manner ounce-line and that has we received will be given by us Password to be on duty at Kerahasiaanya the Service Product that was offered by us took the form of Data Processing AnalisisThesis consultations and ThesisMarketingResearchthe Translation InggrisPrivate.PTOLAH the THESIS DATA was done professionally by our team of QUADRAT with keakuratan and exact care.The method Order contacted us Mr Momon via smsed +6281 328 241 (Each Working Hours) for confirmation of the sending of the data.Better go to konsultasikan beforehand ,agar the security of the data was guaranteed, and did not happen the data mistake that would in processed.The data that will be sent must in check repeated, after being agreed to to be processed by us would Confirmation would to you (Client) Time/results of data processing must be held by the previous agreement of Time depended the speed of the Internet connection sent your Data that will be processed to our e-mail [email protected] Data that in sent must in the format to be able to in the e-mail and don't forget must in ANTIVIRUS before the Data that was sent must clear good take the form of file ,mau also scan file the Price of negotiations, the ordering cost 25% of the price that was agreed to and was sent throughBANK MEGA CABANG SRIWEDANI YOGYAKARTA No Rekening 01-084-00-20-08232atas Nama Dona Widya Nugroho,SEAfter the account until then will be sent by us password to Client After agree to Confirmation above, then you (Client) will receive Password and don't forget to menyimpa him.PT THESIS DATA PROCESSING opened the co-operation opportunity of opening the Branch Office all over the Indonesian territory and Foreign was open for anyone, owners Warnet please contacted us.PT THESIS DATA PROCESSING also accepted musical data processing that was aimed for Group the Indie band and the Businessman the recorder Studio of music to process the recorder Data of the Song in the format File Professionally and In A Online Manner by means of Like above類型: Service of Business Services category地區: Yogyakarta 更多鏈接 COMMASTER INDONESIA LITTLE PRINCESS PTOLAHDATASKRIPSI SUNDORO FARM CV. VIAN ALKES ‹ 上一頁 | 下一頁 › 發表回應前,請先登入